I bought Love the day it came out, and it's very interesting. Some of the mash-ups are great--for example, the melody/vocal track of Within You Without You backed by the rhythm/drums of Tomorrow Never Knows. Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds is backed with something I don't quite recognize yet, but it sounds great, too. Also, the demo vocal of While My Guitar Gently Weeps (which appeared in the Anthology) with additional orchestration by George Martin.
I thought the idea was preposterous when I heard about it about a month ago. Then I heard the four tracks available online (Octopus's Garden, While My Guitar Gently Weeps, Lady Madonna, and Strawberry Fields Forever) and the Drive My Car/The Word/What You're Doing mash-up.
Love is all I've been listening to since the day it came out.
I bought the regular CD, because I have only "above average" speakers, but for those with "home entertainment system speakers," I would buy the special two-disk set with DVD audio. From everything I've read, the Dolby 5.1 mix is AMAZING! Which all argues for a complete re-mastering of the whole Beatles catalog by EMI. (The Beatles catalog was originally mastered for CD in 1987 and 1988, with some re-mastering done for the new versions of Yellow Submarine, Let It Be...Naked, 1, and the American albums boxed sets.) It's sorely needed, and lets hope George Martin stays alive long enough to do it!