Unfortunately, We Were Right
No-one listened to the millions of us throughout the world who marched twice that year, once in February, and another time right after the war started.
Tristero from Digby speaks my mind this morning.
No war on Iran either!
"We Told You So.
by tristero
Three years on, the Times finally gets it.
The last three years have shown how little our national leaders understood Iraq, and have reminded us how badly attempts at liberation from the outside have gone in the past.
We told you so. And we weren't alone. The truth is that the majority of the entire world told you so. Long before March 19, 2003, a day as infamous as Dec 7, 1941. Or September 11, 2001 for that matter.
I'll say it again. I have never felt worse about knowing I was absolutely right than I did about the March of Folly. This was a lesson only incompetents unfit for public service needed to learn.
Furthermore, it was - no, it is - inexcusable that the American press, including the New York Times, deliberately refused to report the real story of the run-up to war. They did so out of fear and out of greed. They were afraid of retaliation from the extreme-right Bush administration and their amen choirs. They were seduced with big bucks via increased ratings and sales from dramatic we-are-there imbedded coverage. There were also outright bribes.
But even if the Times now does get it, they still see fit to cut the man personally responsible for opening the Gates of Hell more slack than he deserves. They write, "Chances are that at the time George W. Bush did not have an inkling of how badly he was being served by the decision makers at the Pentagon." Bullshit. Bush knew exactly what was going on. He knew he was being fed lies. And he knew he was deliberately feeding the American public lies. Look again at The Sixteen Words, my friends, every single syllable of which was carefully crafted to lie. Look at his body language as he told that lie and all the other ones.
Nope. Bush was in on the lying and inept planning from the start. As he was with the response to Katrina and every other disaster of his administration."