Patrick Fitzgerald and Regis High School
As I said in my previous post, Special Counselor Patrick Fitzgerald and I went to the same high school, where we were taught by the Jesuits. As a fellow alum, I am especially rooting for him in his very high profile task in treasongate; but, more important, I have full confidence he will do the right thing precisely because he went to Regis. People call him "Eliot Ness" with a Harvard degree. While true, I am more impressed with where he went to high school. All schools claim to turn out students who will be successful; Regis also claims to teach people to do the right thing, without fear or favor. Like very few schools, the propaganda is true.
My good friend of 26 years, Antonius at Boring Diatribe, describes a lot better what Buschco have to fear in letter he got published at Rude Pundit:
"Have you ever looked into the eyes of Jesuits? Look long enough, and you can see the heretics burning back there. Back then, they still imparted that zeal to their students, if pointed in more helpful directions.
"When I heard Fitzgerald went to Regis, I knew Rove and the boys were in a lot of trouble. Rest assured, if there's a crime, Patrick's going to find it, and he will prosecute. At the time I attended, Regis was designed to turn out moral (in the true sense) men who would become impeccable professionals or even captains of industry. I think Fitzgerald's route is obvious.
"I know Roveco are criminals. You know they're criminals. If it can be proved, Patrick will prove it."
The rest is here.
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