Treasongate Indictment Predictions
Special Counselor Patrick Fitzgerald went to my high school, Regis, in Manhattan; I was class of 1983, he was class of 1978, so I didn't know him.
But if Regis taught us anything it taught us to be straight-shooters and I am proud of him because I know he will go wherever the truth leads him, even if to Bush/Cheney.
It seems like indictments will be coming any day, so here are my predictions:
George Bush--unindicted co-conspirator
Dick Cheney--indicted
Karl Rove--indicted
"Scooter" Libby--indicted
Stephen Hadley--indicted
Ari Fleischer--pleads a deal (would have been indicted for conspiracy)
Judy "Queen of Iraq" Miller--pleads a deal (would have been indicted for perjury and/or conspiracy)
The Rex Saxi Award for Cooperation with the Grand Jury:
Shared between Mary Matalin and Colin Powell
What about Robert Novak? If not indicted at least the Rex Saxi award for "Journalist Least Cool Under Pressure" for storming off the set of Inside Politics.
Novak definitely cooperated, but the award is too august for him to receive.
And this whole thing's a LOT bigger than Novak--I think it goes directly to the White House Iraq Group and the lies that got us into war, not just the outing of Wilson/Plame/Flame.
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