Sunday, October 24, 2004

The Nation Endorses Kerry

A lot of the debate among American progressives has been concerning whether or not to vote for Kerry. After all, he voted for the war, the first tax cut, and the Patriot Act. I myself find it very hard to forgive Kerry's support for the war. I know very well that his argument has been that all he voted for was "an authorization of force," which he says he hoped would strengthen the President's hand at the UN.

But I remember the Fall of 2002 very well. The war drums had been beating since the Summer, and the vote to authorize force was tantamount to voting for war. I'm sure Kerry (and Edwards too) thought the war would be over soon, and that they could move on and campaign on the normal Democratic issues. They were wrong. Full disclosure--I went door-to-door for Dean the weekend before the New Hampshire primary and I still think, especially now, he would be a better candidate then Kerry.

But democracy in America is in the most danger it's ever been in in my lifetime. I can only imagine what new horrors will shame us if Bush wins. I have been thinking that a vote for Kerry could be the best way to stop the bleeding, and if he wins the election, to still keep him honest and responsive to (what has become) a new Progressive Movement in this country. In any case, this week's The Nation has the best articulation of that argument I have seen.


At 4:10 PM, Blogger Reductio said...

In my considered opinion, a vote for Bush is a vote against fredom and democracy in America. I believe that is sufficient cause to vote Kerry.


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