Saturday, September 23, 2006

Crossing the Rubicon

The new torture "compromise" represents our final slide into the category of rogue nation. We are now officially a nation that legalizes torture.

The "compromise" eliminates habeas review of "enemy combatant" detentions (who the President can determine very broadly), it amends and modifies the War Crimes Act so CIA officials are immune from prosecution from violations of Geneva from 1997 until now, and it also modifies the War Crimes Act so we could only prosecute "grave" violations of Geneva Common Article 3. Guess who determines what's grave??

The President.

And what did the Democrats do when our Nation's character was in the balance??


And the water-boarding continues...

Antonius describes exactly how I feel, other than kicking the gang of thugs in the balls.

I'm non-violent, after all.

"And the devil came here yesterday. Yesterday the devil came here. Right here. And it smells of sulfur still today."


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