So here I am, listening to Mike Malloy on Air America, and I hear him talking about this story, which apparently flew under my radar last week:
[Former CIA officer Gary Schroen], told National Public Radio in an interview broadcast on Monday and Tuesday that he stopped by the office of then-CIA counterterrorism director Cofer Black for final instructions.
He said he was told: "'your basic marching orders are to link up with the Northern Alliance and get their cooperation militarily and they will take on the Taliban."When we break the Taliban, your job is to capture bin Laden, kill him and bring his head back in a box full of dry ice.'"
Somehow, I could not imagine anyone in any previous administration, including during the most psychotic days of the Nixon administration when Nixon was talking to the paintings in the White House, giving orders this crazy.
(I of course do not include plots to poison Castro with various and sundry, nor do I include Operation Northwoods.)
Here's the rest of this bizarre story.
I don't know if I should laugh or cry.
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