Saturday, November 27, 2004

Good to Be Back Home

I was away for a couple of days, visiting relatives in West Palm Beach.

While waiting on line for the plane this morning, someone noticed my "Bush Again?" t-shirt. It has a picture of "The Scream" on it. He thought it was a great shirt, but he said that he was so depressed by the election that he no longer talks about politics.

I said I had to because I love my country.

Here's a good post from Defective Yeti (thanks Atrios) that captures how I've been feeling:

Oh, and one last thing. A lot of progressives are joking about "moving to Canada" -- myself included . But if you're one of those folks who insists that they are really, really considering it, please: do us all a favor and go. The Republicans will be happy to see you leave, and the rest of us don't really need you hanging around and reinforcing the stereotype that liberals (a) are so unpatriotic that they will ditch their nation in a time of need, and (b) feel entitled to the benefits of a government (like, Canada's) without having to work for it. If you're "totally serious" about moving this time, then pack up and head for the border, compadre. Otherwise, dig in your heels, roll up your sleeves, gird your loins and get ready to fight, like the rest of us intend to do.


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